Posts tagged ‘resources-and-services’

Vogue & Women’s Wear Daily now available!

This is the fourth in a series of “Resources and Services” posts from the Faculty of Cowles Library, intended to increase awareness of the quality resources and services (many of them new!) available to Drake students, faculty, and staff. Earlier posts are listed at the bottom of this page.

Vogue & Women’s Wear Daily

Cowles Library now offers digital access to the entire archives of Vogue (1892-present) and Women’s Wear Daily (1910-present.) ProQuest has digitized this material in high-resolution color pages. Each page of issue is available, including advertisements. Users are able to search  all text, captions, and titles throughout the magazine, including advertisements, covers and fold-outs. Users may also search Vogue and Women’s Wear Daily with a single search or browse individual issues.

April 1, 1954 Vogue cover

click to englarge

Vogue is a unique record of American and international popular culture that extends beyond fashion. The Vogue Archive is an essential primary source for the study of fashion, gender, and modern social history – past, present, and future. The database serves users who wish to read the latest issues as well as those doing academic study. Marketing students may research the history of a brand identity by viewing every advertisement for a brand such as Revlon, Coty, Versace, or Chanel between specified dates. Researchers in cultural studies and gender studies may explore themes such as body image, gender roles, and social tastes from the 1890s to the present. The latest issue will be added each month with no embargo period.

Women’s Wear Daily
Women’s Wear Daily is an authoritative record of how the fashion industry developed over the twentieth century provides valuable primary source material for students across the disciplines of fashion, business, and history. The Women’s Wear Daily Archive allows users to explore influences on the fashion and beauty industry. It contains the full run of past print issues and supplements and will be updated biannually with more recent issues. (Note: newest issues are available in HTML full-text with no images in Business Source Complete.)

Previous Resources and Services announcements:

1) New York Times Digital Subscription
2) Chronicle of Higher Education
3) Oxford Very Short Introductions

Oxford Very Short Introductions

This is the third in a series of “Resources and Services” posts from the Faculty of Cowles Library, intended to increase awareness of the quality resources and services (many of them new!) available to Drake students, faculty, and staff. Earlier posts are listed at the bottom of this page.

Oxford Very Short Introductions

Very Short Introductions consist of 435 short books on a wide range of subject areas written by scholars in the field.  Each book is around 100 pages long, with a brief bibliography for further reading.   There is full-text access to every book included in the database.   (In addition to the online version of these books, the library currently has 84 of these Very Short Introductions available as print books.)

Each book attempts to provide a balanced view of the development of the topic over time and the reasons for its cultural, historical or scientific significance.  Among  the many  topics covered are; American Immigration, Animal Rights, Autism,  Climate Change, Dinosaurs, Dreaming, Evolution, Gandhi, Islam, Globalization, Microbiology, Modern China, and the Meaning of Life.

One can either browse the selection of topics covered within any of the 54 subject areas or else search for a topic across the entire set.  The results will be sorted by relevance, but can also be sorted alphabetically by title or by publication year. You may download or print these titles on a chapter-by-chapter basis.   All of the results are accessible in full-text.

Visit Very Short Introductions!



Previous Resources and Services announcements:

1) New York Times Digital Subscription
2) Chronicle of Higher Education


Chronicle of Higher Education – Get your free subscription!

Cowles has provided access to the Chronicle of Higher Education (and its sister publication, Chronicle of Philanthropy) to all Drake employees and students for a number of years. Based in Washington, D.C., The Chronicle has more than 70 writers, editors, and international correspondents. Online, The Chronicle is published every weekday and is a top destination for news, advice, and jobs for people in academe.

If you already have an account, simply follow this link: Chronicle Web page. If you don’t have an account, follow the instructions below:

Unlike most of the Library’s resources, in order to take advantage of the Chronicle, you must complete a “one-time” registration process. It’s pretty simple, but it requires your Drake email account. Instructions follow:

1) First, go to:

You should see a screen similar to the following:

2) Click on “Signup.” You should see a screen like the following:

3) Enter your first name, last name, Drake email, and choose a password. Once you’ve entered that, click on “Sign Up.”

4) You should get a message similar to the following:

5) You’ll get an email with the subject of “Chronicle: Confirm New Account” in your Drake email account; click on the link in that email, and you’ll be ready to login! You can click “remember me on this computer” if you’re using a private computer, so you don’t have to login every day.

We hope you find this useful! Contact with any questions.

Previous Resources and Services announcements:

1) New York Times Digital Subscription

Next Resources and Services announcement:
1) Oxford Very Short Introductions

Access to New York Times for all Drake students, staff, and Faculty!

Below is the first in an ongoing series of Cowles Library posts on Resources and Services we provide to all Drake faculty, students, and staff.


Drake University students, faculty, and staff can now receive online access to the New York Times through its web site via a subscription paid for by Cowles Library. Note that, for initial signup, you MUST be on the Drake campus, but after that, you can access the NY Times anywhere! Details are at this helpful site:

Next resource/service: The Chronicle of Higher Education

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