Articles posted by Bruce Gilbert

RefWorks – New Version!

September 26, 2016

This is the eleventh in a series of “Resources and Services” posts from the Faculty of Cowles Library, intended to increase awareness of the quality resources and services (many of them new!) available to Drake students, faculty, and staff. Earlier posts are listed at the bottom of this page.

We here at Cowles Library encourage our users to check out the “new” version of Refworks. This bibliographic citation manager is already in use by many at Drake, so this new version offers a seamless transition and importing of your existing citations. There is an extensive YouTube site if you want to watch some short videos to understand the advantages of the new version.


Refworks allows users to create, import and update bibliographic information in all required and standard academic styles in use at Drake. Create a personal account with your Drake email address on first use and use RefWorks to track citations and create bibliographies. This account remains active even after you leave Drake. More information and training can be found at

Previous Resources and Services announcements:

1) New York Times Digital Subscription
2) Chronicle of Higher Education
3) Oxford Very Short Introductions
4) Vogue and Women’s Wear Daily
5) Business Expert Press
6) Statista – Statistics for the Rest of Us
7) Bibliography of Native North Americans
8) JoVE Biology (and JoVE Neuroscience)
9) Filmakers’ Library Online
10) Springer Books and Journals

Cowles Welcomes Sam Becker!

September 2, 2016

Earlier this Summer we here @CowlesLib welcomed our new STEM Librarian (Dan Chibnall). Now we are equally pleased to introduce our new Campus Engagement Librarian, Samantha (Sam) Becker. Sam comes to us from the University of Nevada-Reno. We are very happy to have her as a member of our faculty! Find out more about Sam:

Cowles Library welcomes new Librarian Dan Chibnall

August 2, 2016

Cowles Library is happy to welcome two new Librarians this Summer. Dan Chibnall (Twitter: @BookOwl ) started on 1 July and is Drake’s new STEM Librarian. Dan is already very active in the Des Moines community (he was at Grand View University prior to coming to Drake) and has a wide variety of interests, one of which was highlighted recently on the Science Center of Iowa’s website: Dan is a volunteer who supports the Center’s “Star Parties.” We hope you get a chance to meet and welcome Dan soon!

P.S. Watch this space for background on the Library’s other new Librarian, coming soon!

Roof repair/other maintenance ongoing at Cowles Library

July 25, 2016

Cowles Library is having roof repair done this week (from the 25th through the 29th). It’s possible that the noise level may be intrusive during that time; thank you for your patience while this important maintenance is done.

Also, steam line maintenance is being done across campus for the next couple of weeks. This may have an impact on our ability to cool the facility; if that happens, we will post a notice; we will take more serious steps should we lose cooling altogether (which is not anticipated).

Thanks for your forbearance!

Drake Presidential Inaugurations exhibit now at Cowles

April 5, 2016

The University Archives honors the installation of Earl F. Martin as Drake’s 13th President with a special exhibit: Drake Presidential History, Inaugurations 1881-2016.   Created by Archives Assistant and Drake senior, Cecilia Panella, the exhibit is in Cowles Library’s Collier Room (2nd floor).   Along with reproductions, the exhibit also includes original documents and historical photographs.  The President’s mace and medallion will also be on display just outside the Archives.  The exhibit, viewable through the summer, is free and open to the public during regular Library hours.

 Henry Harmon is installed as Drake’s 7th President in 1941

Henry Harmon is installed as Drake’s 7th President in 1941


Admitted Student Days Presentation – Library and ITS

March 4, 2016
Admitted Student Days
March 4, March 25, and April 8th
Begins at 10
Overview: (15-20 minutes Library, 10 minutes for Tech, 10 minutes for Questions)
Resources and Library –
           Priya  Shenoy – Library resources 
Student Centered focus of Cowles – Bruce Gilbert
Technology – Clayton and Carla
Help Center 
Library resources that are covered:
Library Tour: 2 p.m. this afternoon
ITS resources covered:

Library Open House sessions – 7 March

March 1, 2016

Everyone at Drake is invited to attend one or more thirty-minute sessions designed to give you a brief overview of some of the many new resources and initiatives at Cowles Library! Refreshments will be served! No RSVP necessary; there are three sessions, which are each given two times, so come to whichever suits your interests and schedules:cookies

Breakout session I: 4:05 – 4:30
  1. Teri Koch / Bruce Gilbert: Alternative textbook sources – Room 201 (“Glassed-in Room”)
  2. Come hear about the many resources Cowles has (as well as a few “success stories”) for saving your students money using different sources for textbooks.
  3. Claudia Frazer / Bart Schmidt : Archives/Political Papers – In Archives area on 2nd Floor
  4. Take a few minutes to see what hidden treasures exist behind the locked doors of the Drake University Archives & Special Collections. Are your students interested in completing a practical experience in an archival setting? Curious about how to incorporate oral histories into your syllabus? Need some juicy primary source materials? Let us show you our “stuff”!
  5. Priya Shenoy / Andrew Welch: Tools / New Catalog / Instruction – Room 45 (Ground Floor)
  6. Cowles Library is on the verge of installing a next generation catalog/discovery system. Also, the number and breadth of tools (such as, a new citation manager) and instructional support that the Library offers continues to grow. Come get an overview of these exciting new developments.

Breakout session II: 4:35 – 5:00
  1. Teri Koch / Bruce Gilbert: Alternative textbook sources – Room 201 (“Glassed-in Room”)
  2. Come hear about the many resources Cowles has (as well as a few “success stories”) for saving your students money using different sources for textbooks.
  3. Claudia Frazer / Bart Schmidt: Archives/Political Papers – In Archives area on 2nd Floor
  4. Take a few minutes to see what hidden treasures exist behind the locked doors of the Drake University Archives & Special Collections. Are your students interested in completing a practical experience in an archival setting? Curious about how to incorporate oral histories into your syllabus? Need some juicy primary source materials? Let us show you our “stuff”!
  5. Priya Shenoy / Andrew Welch: Tools / New Catalog / Instruction – Room 45 (Ground Floor)
  6. Cowles Library is on the verge of installing a next generation catalog/discovery system. Also, the number and breadth of tools (such as, a new citation manager) and instructional support that the Library offers continues to grow. Come get an overview of these exciting new developments.


Staff Position Open at Cowles Library

December 18, 2015

Assistant to the Dean and Manager, Library Support Operations


Drake University’s Cowles Library invites applications for an Assistant to the Dean and Manager, Library Support Operations.  The individual in this staff position will lead a staff-team in support of both library administrative and service functions and activities. This individual will be a member of the Library Management Council (LMC), and will directly support the Dean, and the three Library Program Coordinators (Collections, Instruction -Services, and Special Collections/Archives). This individual will serve as a peer to, and work in close coordination with library user services and library systems operations.  This individual will serve as the primary operational liaison to Drake administrative and support offices.

Salary is competitive and dependent on qualifications and experience, with a range starting at $50,000.  Please submit an application letter addressing qualifications, current vita, and contact information including email addresses of references to Hire Touch at Select Cowles Library and follow the instructions to apply and upload requested materials.  Review of applications will begin January 15, 2016, and will continue until the position is filled. Drake University is an equal opportunity employer and actively seeks applicants who reflect the diversity of the nation.

More details (including full job description) are available: More information about Drake University’s work environment, employee benefits, and the greater Des Moines area can be accessed at

All-University Book Club

December 16, 2015

Drake University’s staff, in collaboration with Cowles Library, announce a “pilot run” of an All-University Book Club! The purposes of this book club are simple: Encourage reading for the sake of reading, and increase conversation among faculty, staff, and students across campus through the medium of books!

Cowles Library has eleven copies (hint: Ask for the book on reserve for Library 301) available for “The Kind Worth Killing,” a well-reviewed 2015 mystery that will be our first book. Details are in the flyer that follows (click here for a print-friendly version); the book is available in audio format from, at various DM-area Public Libraries, and Amazon, in addition to the Cowles Library copies.

So, read the book and let Sara Heijerman know about your interest in discussing; the face-to-face discussion sessions will be in January (with the possibility of more than one, if there is enough interest), so happy reading!


The Kind Worth Killing

Jterm Opportunity: LIBR 042

October 22, 2015


Below is the course description for an Information Literacy (AOI) course for Jterm 2016.

The course is designed for first- and second-year (and transfer) students, and satisfies the Info Lit AOI. It is offered by Cowles Library Professor Bruce Gilbert, who must approve all student enrollment in this course; his contact information is at the bottom of this post.


Course description:

Modern students and modern learning are enmeshed in the various communities that give education its context. This course will explore the relevance of information literacy in the community-based environment and impart an understanding of how intelligent use of information resources can benefit both the student and the community.  Emphasis will also be placed on preparing students for experiential learning (both within the academic curriculum and as a lifelong perspective).  Students will be challenged to engage and research community-based resources, create at least one artifact of that involvement (such as an interview, oral history, or research project) and reflect upon the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to marshaling information, especially in the context of experiential learning and community engagement. NOTE: This course takes a “blended” approach to course delivery.  In this case, that means that most of the course is transacted online, but there are also mandatory in-class sessions at the beginning and end of the course.

Texts and Readings:

Deschooling Society by Ivan Illich. Other selected readings will supplement core texts.

Learning Objectives:

•       Gather relevant information to support and address a research topic
•       Demonstrate the use of critical thinking and information literacy skills
•       Analyze and interpret information relevant to his or her needs
•       Retrieve, evaluate, synthesize and cite appropriate information
•       Articulate the social and ethical implications of information use and misuse.
•       Select and employ the appropriate method and data for disciplinary research, problem-based learning, experiential-based research, and/or reflective/integrative coursework.

Projects and Assignments:

Students will visit one or more cultural organizations in their home community and gather background information about that organization.  The primary assignment will be to use the results of that information to create an informative artifact (such as an electronically-captured interview, oral history, or research project) that will further awareness of the organization. Finally, the students will write a brief reflection paper about the process of learning about their community through engagement; both of these projects will require proper attribution of information resources.

Please contact Professor Gilbert ( or x4821) if you would like to be added to the class and if you have any specific questions about the class.

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