Archive for October, 2018

Complete the Faculty Survey to help the library

Ithaka S+R logoOn Thursday, October 25th, all Drake faculty received an invitation from Provost Mattison to participate in Drake University’s version of the Ithaka Faculty Survey, an important study of the impact of digital technologies on research, teaching, and publishing. Survey responses will help to direct the initiatives of Cowles Library’s continuous improvement plan and inform campus planning and decision-making with respect to research and teaching resources.

The survey seeks faculty perspective on a range of topics, including how faculty engage with and perceive the library. In particular, this survey will help the library gain insight into how our faculty members teach and conduct research in a rapidly changing and increasingly digital environment.

We know you are very busy and probably suffering from survey fatigue, but please consider giving the library 20-25 minutes of your time to take this survey. You do not need to complete the survey in one sitting. Any progress is automatically saved, and you can pick up where you left off. You will need to refer to Provost Mattison’s October 25th email message for the survey link.

General information about the National Ithaka Faculty Survey can be found at the Ithaka S+R website. Please direct any questions to the Cowles Library Planning & Assessment Committee,

Thank you!

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