Archive for October, 2016

CQ Press Voting and Elections

This is the twelfth in a series of “Resources and Services” posts from the Faculty of Cowles Library, intended to increase awareness of the quality resources and services (many of them new!) available to Drake students, faculty, and staff. Earlier posts are listed at the bottom of this page.

Cowles Library has a subscription to CQ Press Voting and Elections Collection.  This database integrates a wealth of data, analyses, and historical material to provide a powerful research and reference tool on voters, political parties, campaigns and elections, historical and modern races for Congress, the presidency, and governorships.  It also includes the ability to generate customized data about candidates, voter turnout, party control, and more!

This research and reference website is organized into six categories:

  • Presidential Elections includes explanations of the presidential electoral process, analyses and data for historical and modern presidential elections, modern voting behavior, key events and issues, and biographies.
  • Congressional Elections provides explanations of the congressional electoral process, including reapportionment and redistricting; data for historical and modern congressional elections; analyses of modern congressional elections; modern voting behavior; modern district profiles; key events and issues; and biographies.
  • Gubernatorial Elections presents explanations of the gubernatorial electoral process and data for historical and modern gubernatorial elections.
  • Campaigns and Elections explores the American system of voting and elections, electoral process and reform, media, interest groups, and the impact of money.
  • Political Parties covers the party system in America, including party strength and control, and profiles Democratic, Republican, and third parties.
  • Voters and Demographics covers expansion of voting rights, voter turnout, voting behavior, modern county census data, and modern district profiles.

Check out CQ Press Voting and Elections!

Previous Resources and Services announcements:

1) New York Times Digital Subscription
2) Chronicle of Higher Education
3) Oxford Very Short Introductions
4) Vogue and Women’s Wear Daily
5) Business Expert Press
6) Statista – Statistics for the Rest of Us
7) Bibliography of Native North Americans
8) JoVE Biology (and JoVE Neuroscience)
9) Filmakers’ Library Online
10) Springer Books and Journals
11) NEW version of RefWorks

The University Archives hours

This week, The Drake University Archives facility will close on Thursday (October 13) at 1:45 pm, and be closed all day Friday (October 14).

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